Root Samsun galaxy J5 J500H marshmallow 6.0.1 twrp recovery

Root Samsun galaxy J5 J500H marshmallow 6.0.1 twrp recovery

Guide To Root Samsung Galaxy J5 J500H J500H/DS Marshmallow 6.0 Twrp and Supersu Tested Method
Root Samsun galaxy J5 J500H marshmallow 6.0.1 twrp recovery

What is root access?
     If you have an Android device that is bootloader unlockable and have a custom recovery for itself, then congratulations! Your device is eligible for the world’s easiest method to get root access.

    SuperSU is a superuser manager app by developer Chainfire, which manages root permissions on your device once it’s rooted. And thankfully, Chainfire has also created a recovery flashable zip file for SuperSU which contains the SuperSU app and the binaries required to get root access. What this means is you can flash the SuperSU zip via a custom recovery and get root access on any Android device.

    This superuser in the Android operating system, make you the master system, you can edit and delete system files and applications, move applications to the memory card, install any firmware (Custom Firmware if anvailable for your device, and other modified firmware). In general, there are so many possibilities you can do with root privelege.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing a custom recovery image on your X5 MT6580 Marshmallow 6.0 and then get root access (if needed) with the assistance of the Twrp recovery.

Some possible issues that might need your attention:
  1. Custom recovery images of different Android versions are not always interchangeable. For example, you can't install an Android 7.0 recovery on a 5.1.1 system and so on. Any exceptions are mentioned in the list of recovery images.
  2. At most of the devices, after flashing the TWRP image, first you have to boot into recovery (TWRP) or the stock recovery will be restored.
  3. At some devices, after flashing TWRP, first you have to root your phone (install SuperSU) or it won't be able to boot into the system.
  4. Once you've rooted your device, you won't be able to install OTA updates anymore but the only way to update your phone is flashing with SP Flash Tool. Flashing a stock ROM (with the stock recovery) will make you able to install OTA updates again.
  5. At some devices (or specific ROM versions), when powering on your phone to boot into TWRP (power + vol-up), after about 3 seconds, you have to release the power button (even if your screen is still black) and keep only the vol-up button pressed until the TWRP welcome screen pops up or the recovery will be skipped and your phone will boot into the system.
  • Your device must have 70% Of battery.
  • You need a Laptop or PC to perform this Action.
  • Make sure you have followed the steps properly. Don’t Skip and Read!
  • We are not responsible for any damage that you make to your Phone.

Odin+twrp recover+supersu download link: FROM HERE
password:  ibrahim.soft

Fellow Video Instruction:
